
i’m a writer-downer of captured thoughts and picture taker of too-soon lost moments usually parked near to a lake in the minneapolis townplace.

this webplace started as a random dumping ground for things i was thinking and remembered long enough to write down. now–well, since the first of the year twenty-and-fourteen–i have the goal of writing one short poem, either a haiku or a senryu*, and pairing it with a picture of my own taking. so far, so good.

thank you for the visit.

*addendum: i feel a bit tired of the three line, seventeen syllable form so, on occasion, will break the pattern with a short free-verse.


  1. I really like the simple style of your poems. It’s a gift to be able to make people smile in one sentence.

  2. I nominated you for the Liebster award. Details are as follows :

  3. BPmom

    I love the creativity in picture and in poetry … Great work …

  4. Hello! Just decided to follow your blog. Found you by searching the reader recommendations and this is intriguing. I have just started posting a picture I have taken with a thought/quote in the last few days. I do lots of different things with my blog…thus the name facetfully! I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  5. Love your work! Looking forward to enjoying more. 🙂 Best, phoebe

  6. I see I started following your blog in May of 2015, so not a year yet. I try not to miss them, even when the stack is deep, yours is one blog I don’t delete. Such great thoughts…most of the time, anyway! 🙂 I am now curious, which comes first…the pic or the wit?

    • i’m glad you’re still enjoying these little things. the photo is always first. usually i’ve got several banked on my phone but sometimes i need to grab something quick because i haven’t been recently inspired; so that’ll be a cat or a window shot or a coffee mug (all part of my every morning). then i give myself up to 30 minutes to put words to the picture.

  7. i’m glad you’re still enjoying these little things. the photo is always first. usually i’ve got several banked on my phone but sometimes i need to grab something quick because i haven’t been recently inspired; so that’ll be a cat or a window shot or a coffee mug (all part of my every morning). then i give myself up to 30 minutes to put words to the picture.

  8. A to Z of simple deep wisdom , thanks for Sharing …… Your blog is a value for time blog .

  9. phantricia31

    I first discovered your work on Tumblr several months ago and have been a fan ever since. Thanks for sharing your process. You have a gift for both photography and poetry!

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